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(This episode is marked as explicit because there is some discussion of sex with trees (dendrophilia) and of sex in general.)

Season 4 Episodes

Episode image is a detail from the cover of How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World by Francis Wheen, published by Harper Perennial in 2004; cover photo by Daly & Newton @ Getty Images.

Episode image is a detail from the cover of How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World by Francis Wheen, published by Harper Perennial in 2004; cover photo by Daly & Newton @ Getty Images.

Recorded near Reading on Pancake Day, Charles Adrian is joined for the 86th Second Hand Book Factory by comedian, podcaster, graphic designer and voice-over artist Iszi Lawrence. They talk dendrophilia, a woman who sits at one of the crossroads of European history and the danger of hope.

Please listen to Iszi’s podcasts The Z List Dead List and Sundays Supplement.

You can find an article about dendrophilia on Wikipedia here.

You can find an article about Eleanor of Aquitaine on Wikipedia here.

You can find an article about the Rupert The Bear controversy in the Telegraph here.

How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World by Francis Wheen is also discussed in Page One 187.

Episode released: 26th April, 2016.


Book listing:

A Melon For Ecstasy by John Fortune and John Wells

Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir

How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World by Francis Wheen



The Z List Dead List

Sundays Supplement

Dendrophilia on Wikipedia

Eleanor of Aquitaine on Wikepedia

Sex-Crazed Rupert the Bear and other stories… The obscenity trial that brought down Oz magazine

Page One 187

Iszi Lawrence

Charles Adrian